IF CLAUSE Type 1, 2, 3
Conditional sentence type 1 digunakan untuk menunjukan sesuatu hal yang mungkin atau tidak mungkin terjadi diwaktu yang akan datang . Conditional type I dibentuk dengan if clause (dalam simple present tense) dan main clause ( dalam simple future tense ).
if  +  simple present , subject  +  will  +  bare invinitive
·         if i finish work early , i play tennis
·         if she has enough time , she will come to your house
·         if  you invite us , we will come to your wedding party
If  +  simple present  +  modal auxiliary (can, may, must, will) digunakam untuk menunjukan suatu kemungkinan (possibility) , izin (permission), kepastian (certainty).
If  +  simple present ,subject  +  can,may,must  +  bare infinitive
·         if  you leave now, you will arrive in time (certain result)
·         if you leave now , you may arrive in time (possibility)
·         if he is in hurry , he can use my car (permission)
Conditional sentence type II digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan fakta atau yang sesungguhnya di waktu sekarang.
If + subject + simple past, subject + would, could, might + bare infinitive
·         If you had longer legs, you would be able to run faster
·         If you spoke English well , he would be accepted to work here
·         If I had a spare ticket , I would give it to him
Conditional sentence type II juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu yang tidak kita harapkan terjadi di waktu sekarang .
If + subject + simple past, subject + would, could, might + bare infinitive
·         If a robber came into my house, I would throw a knife at him
·         If the man chased me , I would ran away
·         If he wanted to kill me , I would report him to a police
Conditional sentence type III digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu penyelesaian (regret dan lain-lain ) tentang sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah terjadi lagi diwaktu sekarang.

If  +  subject  +  past perfect , would/could/might   +  have  +  past participle

·         If you had gone by car, you would have arrive in bandung
·         If you had studied english seriously, you would spoken english well
·         If she had tried harder, she would have been successful
·         If you had left early, you might have arrive there
If had been you/inyour position
“if i had been you / in your position” digunakan untuk menunjukan apa yang sudah akan kita lakukan jika kita berada dalam posisi orang lain.
·         If i had been in your position, i would have accepted her offer of help
·         If i had been mary, i would have paid fifty million rupiah for the car

  •   If i finish work early , I will play tennis
            Fact : It is possible that I will play tennis

  •    If i finished work early, I would play tennis
            Fact : I don’t finish work early, so I don’t play tennis

  •   If i finished work early, I would played tennis
            Fact : I didn’t finish work early, so I didn’t play tennis

  •         If he arrives on time, I will speak wih him
            Fact : It is possible that he arrives on time

  •         If he arrived on time, I would speak with him
           Fact : He don’t arrives on time, so i don’t speak him

  •         If he arrived on time,  I would spoke with him
           Fact : He didn’t arrives on time, so I didn’t speak him

  •        If  you invite us , we will come to your wedding party
          Fact : It is possible that you invite us

  •        If you invited us, we would come to your wedding party
           Fact : I don’t invite us, so we don’t wedding party

  •        If you invited us, we would came to your weeding party
          Fact : I didn’t invite us, so we didn’t wedding party

  •        If you speak english well, he would be accept to work here
          Fact : It is possible that you speak english well

  •       If you spoke English well , he would be accepted to work here
         Fact : I don’t speak english well, so he don’t accept to work here

  •       If you spoked english well, he would be accepted to work here
         Fact : I didn’t speak english well, so he didn’t accept to work
Sumber :
Cyssco, Dhanny R,
Keys to success in toefl/Penulis : Dhanny R. Cyssco.
Penyunting : Dwi Haryanto, Cetakan 1. Jakarta : Puspa Swara, 2003.

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